LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)


The PhD Network Netherlands (PNN) is the national interest group for and by PhDs affiliated to one of the fourteen Dutch universities, or one of the eight Academic Medical Centers, or one of the five research institutions. PNN is an organization in which the General Members Meeting (GMM) is the highest decision-making body. During this meeting the Daily Board (DB) and the local PhD Organizations (POs) deliberate together about the strategy and new actions, and make decisions about the course of action.



The Leiden PhD candidates Consultation (LEO) represents the interests of all PhD candidates at Leiden University. We have regular meetings with the rector and deans, contact with the local unions and close contact with the PhD candidates in university and faculty consultations. We also organize a number of social activities. Every month we keep drinks for PhD candidates in a pub in Leiden. We also have a PhD discussion group monthly. This forum offers PhD candidates the opportunity to present their work to a large audience and at the same time shows how broad and how rich the research at Leiden University really is.


The Young Faculty Network (YFN) aims to connect postdoctoral fellows, senior researchers, and assistant and associate professors within the LUMC. It provides a platform to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences amongst members. Furthermore, the YFN works together with the LUMC's Board of Directors and different local committees to promote the role of young scientists within the university medical center.

JongLUMC aims to connect young employees from the LUMC and to create a focus towards tackling future challenges. By facilitating networking, personal development and idea sharing, they allow young professionals to contribute in the future development of themselves, the LUMC, and the healthcare system.

LUMCWomen seeks to promote equality in top academic positions through education, advocacy, and collaboration. Through their activity, they strive for an inclusive environment that helps women succeed in their career and academic pursuits.

YOUNG Medical Delta strives to create a platform for students, young researchers and young professionals who are at the starting point of their career in life sciences, health, and technology. They offer students, companies, and universities a platform to find and offer internships, Ph.D. positions, and starters functions, through WeLink.

LUMC Pride strives for a culture within the LUMC in which LGBTIQ+ people feel safe and free. They aspire to inclusive care and to a working and learning environment in which everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of gender identity and/or sexual orientation.