LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)


The PhD-folder is a document prepared by LAP containing outlining the formalities and possibilities you have as a PhD candidate at the LUMC. It should serve as a point of reference at the beginning, middle and end of your PhD track. Note that this is a dynamic document where information is continually updated based on up-to-date communication with the Graduate School, and your input. If any links are broken, or there is information you feel should be in the folder, please contact us!

Getting started with your PhD at the LUMC

Congratulations with your PhD position here at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC)! As part of the Medical Faculty of Leiden University (LU), you will have the opportunity to make a contribution to the scientific field of choice while developing yourself to become a better scientist as well as a better professional.

LUMC and LU aim to help you getting settled in a new city and thrive at your new position by coordinating a well-structured PhD-track, developing top quality research facilities, and supporting expats through the international office. Also, the LUMC and LU offer you a wide range of opportunities to develop yourself by following courses, participating lectures, making use of career counselling, etc.  

As a PhD candidate, you have access to all of this. Make sure to start exploring your opportunities as soon as possible in order to benefit the most from them during your time here at the LUMC.

This PhD-folder outlines all the possibilities you have as a PhD candidate and informs you on how to engage with them by providing contact information and links directing you to the opportunity of interest. Not only will this PhD folder help you get started, it will also provide support further down the road of your PhD.

Enjoy your path and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions you might have.

The outline of your PhD track.

A PhD at the LUMC

Personal development

Useful accounts and websites


The LUMC takes pride in providing high quality supporting facilities with expertise in order to help you succeed in your ambitions. Do not hesitate to contact them for information!

Information for international Phd candidates

Tips for where to go in Leiden

Some of the favourite spots in Leiden of the LAP board members.

Graduating and beyond

After your phd