LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

The LAP printing partner is Ridderprint.

About your thesis: how many booklets do you really need?

When you finish your PhD trajectory you conclude with the defense of your thesis - your booklet. In light of recent changes in the PhD regulations and in context of environmental sustainability we ask for your restraint when deciding on the number of hardcopies of your thesis you need or wish.

Recently, the university reduced the minimal number of hardcopies. At this moment, according to the Leiden University PhD Regulations, you are required to hand in the following number of hardcopies of your thesis:

  • 2 copies of the thesis with propositions to the Beadle

  • 1 copy to the Graduate School Office 

  • 2 copies to the University Library

  • 1 copy to each member of the opposition committee

Please note that your thesis does not have to printed by a professional printer, as long as it follows the dissertation layout requirements (ENG / NL)

Many members of the LUMC Graduate School community have the experience that booklets often end up in the recycling bin, many unread. We would like to ask you to keep this in mind when you decide on how many booklets you are going to print. Ultimately, it is completely up to you to decide how many extra copies of your thesis you want to have printed, but limiting the number of printed theses will add to saving resources, lower costs and support environmental sustainability. Discuss expectations and traditions that may exist within your group regarding the distribution of your work in an early stage. LAP will provide a nice overview of the various methods and services to print your thesis, including some interesting environmentally friendly alternatives.

The need to print hundreds of booklets is also reduced as all University Leiden / LUMC theses must also be made available through the online Leiden University Repository. As for the digital distribution of your thesis: make sure to provide a license to the University Library for non-exclusive digital publication of the thesis. For more information, please refer to the website of the University Library.  

LAP VISION - Advocating for Sustainability in phd theses

In an age dominated by digital innovation, the traditional practice of printing and archiving countless PhD theses in university libraries is increasingly seen as outdated. At LUMC, PhD candidates face a significant financial burden associated with thesis printing, often with inadequate support from the university.

Recognizing the need for change, LAP and the LUMC Green Team are calling for a reconsideration of the mandatory printing of PhD theses. Embracing digital formats not only promotes sustainability but also alleviates financial pressures on young researchers. Many leading academic institutions have already transitioned successfully to digital theses, offering a modern, accessible, and eco-friendly alternative.

LAP and the LUMC Green Team are taking a significant step towards fostering a more sustainable academic environment. We aim to raise awareness and garner support within the LAP community to end the requirement for mandatory thesis printing. Together, we can lead the way in promoting sustainability in academic publishing.