LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)


PhD Confidant

The LAP has appointed a PhD confidant (vertrouwenspersoon) who may be contacted in case of complaints, conflicts with supervisors or issues concerning scientific integrity. Our Junior confidant is Ivana Kancheva (, who works closely together with Mw. dr. S. Trompet ( and Dhr. prof.dr. T. van Gelder (, the LUMC confidants (Senior). The Junior confidant can be contacted for sharing, listening, and general advice about managing interactions with supervisors or the Guidance Committee. For more serious matters, such as contract termination or changes to the supervisory team, you can reach out to the Senior confidants for support.

Ombuds Officer

Are you looking for a place where you can share something in confidence? Do you need someone who is independent, impartial, and offers input in a fully confidential manner? Would you like advice on work-related issues, or do you have points for improvement for the organisation that you would like to share? Then the Ombuds Officer is there for you! The Ombuds Officer is neutral, safe and everything you say is treated as confidential. The Ombuds Officer is there for you for all work-related matters. You are always welcome; this service is independent of your workplace. Contant the Ombuds Officer, Margot Snelders-Pouw, at


The PhD psychologist offers psychological support for all PhDs at Leiden University, regardless of the type of contract. The help is meant for PhD candidates who struggle with psychological issues caused by their PhD trajectory, or which directly affect their PhD trajectory, with the aim of increasing their well-being. Physical stress, burnout, movation and concentration issues, mood issues, supervision and environment issues, and imposter syndrome are only some of the issues that you can discuss with the PhD Psychologist. Contact Agnes van Rossum and Margarita Lourido at