LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

August newsletter 2024

August 2024
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LAP Newsletter

August 2024 

Dear fellow PhD Candidates,

We hope you are enjoying the holiday period, and, of course, many thanks to those of you who joined our Boat Trip last month! Fortunately, we have two exciting upcoming events to look forward to! The first upcoming event is the Lay Man talk event, that we are hosting together with the Graduate School. As you know, from September, all PhD defenses will also comprise a Lay Man talk. Do join this session to find out more about what to expect and how to prepare. You are also more than welcome at the drinks afterwards! Our second upcoming event is Social Safety lunch, on the topic of Rights of PhD Candidates!

We specifically want to again highlight that the Guidance Committee regulations are published. Read more below and make sure to check the composition of your GC before 1st of September (extended deadline). Moreover, keep reading for an update on Mandatory Courses! 

Best wishes, 
The LAP Board



Launch of the Lay Man Talk + Drinks
28.08, 16:00-17:15 @ Lecture Hall 3
drinks afterwards @ Paleijs

The LUMC Graduate School and LAP will host this event to celebrate the introduction of the Lay Man Talk at Leiden University. From September 2024 the Lay Man Talk will be compulsory for all PhD defenses. 
Read more and sign up here. Read more about the Lay Talk here. 

Social Safety Lunch - Rights of PhD Candidates
24.09, 12:00-13:00 @ Sylvius Hall, building 2 
Following the success of our first workshop, we are excited to announce the second workshop of our Social Safety campaign! This session will focus on the rights of PhD candidates within Dutch academia, the rules and regulations of a PhD trajectory, and practical tips for navigating cultural differences. Especially tailored for our international PhD candidates, but open and welcoming to all, this workshop will provide valuable insights. We are also honored to host a distinguished international professor from the LUMC, who will share their personal experiences within Dutch academia. Join us for an engaging discussion filled with practical advice and strategies to help you thrive in your PhD journey. Lunch is on us! We look forward to your participation.
Click here to sign up!

Update on Mandatory Courses 
The LUMC Graduate School changed the mandatory courses requirements so that the courses followed will be a better fit with the wishes and interests of most PhD candidates. Read more on the update

Want to be part of change in the LUMC? Join our Board! 
Since the autumn of 2023, the LAP Board has taken part in more initiatives, such as organizing closed door sessions, being involved in Academia in Motion and, in limited capacity, in the selection of the new Dean and in the development of new policies that impact LUMC PhD Candidates. As a Board, we are fully committed to representing the rights of PhD Candidates and wish to contribute to the change taking place at LUMC, so we have gratefully and bravely taken on new challenges. However, we find ourselves in need of more Board Members to be able to sustain our efforts.

As a general board member, your responsibilities will likely include attending board meetings, organizing events or initiatives, communicating with other PhD Candidates and faculty members, and supporting the overall functioning of the board and its objectives. Dutch is not required for this role! 

In return, you get to learn about the ins and outs of the LUMC, work with a diverse board of motivated fellow PhD candidates who want to make a difference for the PhD community, and you can have the opportunity to implement your ideas and see them flourish in practice! We look forward to meeting you! Send us your CV and motivation letter!

New Guidance Committee Regulations
We are glad to share this major step in improving the quality of the supervision process. Please click here to read about the new Guidance Committee Regulations. Make sure to read the regulations and review your GC before 1st of September. 

Open door session 
After the Closed Door session on PhD Supervision, the Graduate School organized 4 Open Door sessions for everyone involved in PhD supervision. The notes of these Open Door sessions can be found here. Another Closed Door session will follow this year, during which we will discuss the advancements made by the LUMC since the first edition. It is important that the LUMC PhD Candidates Community is well-represented! Stay tuned. 

Psychologist for PhD candidates
The PhD psychologist can offer support to all Leiden University PhD candidates who are experiencing psychological issues that are either caused by, or are directly affecting, their PhD trajectory. The PhD psychologist is very much aware of the unique position occupied by PhD candidates and as a result, can provide assistance that helps to meets their specific needs. To make an appointment, send an email!

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhD candidates who are printing their thesis soon to get a group discount. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. 
Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of July  has been published on Albinusnet. If you have any ideas to expand your research, want to continue as a postdoc or just want to see what kind of grants are available to you in the future, make sure to check it out!

LAP 2024 Sponsor

We would like to extend a warm "Thank you" to our sponsor for this year, Ridderprint. 

Click here for find out more about Ridderprint

A message from Ridderprint
Dear PhD Candidates,

With over 30 years of experience as a specialized family business in designing and printing dissertations,
Ridderprint is proudly sponsoring LAP in 2024. You may have already seen us at the recent PhD Day!
Our extensive experience and passion for the craft make us the ideal choice for your academic milestone. We aim to maximize value within every budget and gladly share valuable tips and developments in this newsletter.
We look forward to a great collaboration and are eager to assist you in achieving the “crowning achievement” of your work!

Best regards,

Meet the Ridderprint Team 



Medical Business Projects (Dutch)
deadline 22-09-2024

Have you always been interested in the administrative and organizational side of healthcare? Do you have a drive to innovate healthcare? Then this opportunity to participate in the Medical Business Projects might be for you. Click here for more information.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or click here for an overview of mandatory and relevant courses.

LUMC Top Research Seminars
Theme Immunity  - 17.09.2024 17:00 - 18:30 @ Lecture Hall 4 

New LUMC PhD Onboarding Module 
We are pleased to inform you that the LUMC Graduate School has created a new e-learning “Onboarding LUMC PhD candidates” to provide a soft landing for all newly enrolled LUMC PhD candidates.
The e-learning “Onboarding LUMC PhD candidates” will help new PhD candidates to find their way in the LUMC to provide an optimal start of their PhD trajectory. The e-learning is available via the LUMC Learning Environment. Regular walk-in sessions are organized for support. 

Leiden University Workshop Scientific Conduct for PhD's 
This workshop is part of the Leiden University mandatory wide program to make PhD candidates familiar with the different concepts related to scientific conduct and integrity. The workshop is taught by the LUMC Graduate School. Click here to register for one of the start dates:
  • 5 September
  • 19 September
  • 10 October (NL)
  • 24 October (NL)
  • 14 November (NL)
  • 28 November
Leiden Bio Science Park
LBSP organizes many relevant events for PhD's and PostDocs, so always keep an eye out on their agenda.

Register now! PhD Statistics Courses 2024
Boerhaave Nascholing offers several statistics courses for PhD candidates and registration for the following courses in 2024 has been opened Click on the links above to register. Click here for a brief description of the courses

HRM Learning & Development courses 
Click on one of the links below for more information about the course.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.



Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at
Stay in contact on our Whatsapp community, click here to join
You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our LinkedIn, Instagram, and our website


LAP Board
Esther Fousert
Madda Debiasi
Dejvid Veizaj
Ivana Kancheva
Amar Levens
Simone Jansen
Alice Lupascu
Giovanni Loe-Sack-Sioe
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LUMC Association for PhD Candidates · Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum · Albinusdreef 2 · Leiden, Zuid Holland 2333 ZA · Netherlands

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