LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter December 2021

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LAP Newsletter

December 2021

Dear fellow PhD candidates,
It is already the last month of the year 2021. Hopefully your planning is on fleek so that you have some time to relax and celebrate Christmas and New Years Eve.

But first: we want to thank you for the great attendance at our PhD day and are happy to tell you that the speakers were really enthusiastic about your active participation! For those of you who were not able to participate or want to watch it again; the webinar of the keynote speakers is published online and can be accessed via this link. We are still working on the frequently asked questions panel, but we will provide you with the answers to the questions as soon as possible. Also, PhD-coach Wouter Leonhard who was on the FAQ-panel is available for a sparring session to talk about your own personal and professional development (

This newsletter has lots of interesting stuff for December and the upcoming year. Also, we are looking for new board members to fill the places of leaving board members in 2022! Scroll down to read more.

Let us know if you have any questions.

The LAP board



Contract extensions due to COVID-delays
Extra budget has been made available by the Ministry of Education & Science for contract extensions for young researchers who were delayed because of COVID-19. The application and acknowledgement process for people whose contract ends in 2022 has finished. If you feel that you should have qualified for this extensions but your promotor or department head was not aware, please let us know by emailing to PhDs who qualified were those who are on a temporary contract; were already working during the COVID-pandemic in 2020; whose contract ends in 2022; who can substantiate their delay; and who have fulfilled all necessary requirements in Converis. 
In case of a new round of extra funds for contract extensions in 2023, we will let you know.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Many of you asked if we can help with bringing PhD candidates together in order to get a discount on thesis printing. Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. You might as well consider your PhD thesis as mobile app: a sustainable alternative saving costs.

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of November has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read.

LAP new boardmembers
We are looking for new boardmembers. Deadline: 17th of January.


Evidece-based mental health programmes and coaching for PhD candidates
Caring Universities offers free evidence-based mental health programmes and personalized online coaching for students and PhD candidates. The programmes are aimed at improving mood, reducing stress, tackling procrastination and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This November a new programme ‘LifeHack’ was launched, aiming to help students and PhD candidates with emotional wellbeing, self-worth, social relationships and productivity. Click here for more information and to register.

Faculty of Impact
The Faculty of Impact is a national program that gives scientists the time and resources to turn breakthrough research into a business. They are looking for PhD's that want to build a business on their research. They support with €200.000 and a world-class entrepreneurship network. Click here to read more.

De Jonge Dokter het foutenfestival - ‘improve by failure - online edition’ - January 22
It is inevitable to make mistakes as a (future) doctor. Every doctor recognizes the fear of making mistakes, but the trick is to make sure that this fear will not take over and if you do make a mistake to deal with it. During het foutenfestival, various speakers are invited to talk about mistakes. The focus will be on how to talk about mistakes and how to become a better doctor from making a mistake. Click here to buy tickets.

Women in Science Rising Talent Prizes 2022
The For Women in Science Rising Talent Prizes are a recent addition to the national For Women in Science programme, which was founded in 2012 as part of the international partnership between L’Oréal and Unesco - For Women in Science (FWIS). The aim of the Netherlands L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Rising Talent Prizes (€ 3,500, € 2,000 or € 1,000) is to advance the academic careers of young women researchers in the Netherlands holding a position as PhD candidate or postdoctoral fellow in STEM or Life Sciences, with a maximum of three years post-PhD academic experience. The call can be found here, deadline: 20 January.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.
7-11.02.2022 Boerhaave Nascholing course ‘Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics’
A new edition of the ‘Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics’ course will take place from Monday 7 to Friday 11 February 2022. A self-study of 5 e-modules is required in the two weeks preceding the course. The exam will take place on Tuesday morning 15 February 2022. This course is a mandatory part of the LUMC Graduate School Program and covers the fundamental toolbox of biostatistical methods plus a solid methodological basis to properly interpret statistical results. More information about the course can be found at the website of Boerhaave Nascholing.

Course academic outreach
Academics are often asked about their work or seek contact with the media to talk about their research. This can range from a press release to a radio or TV appearance or from Twitter or Facebook to a personal blog. In this training you explore the world of social and conventional media. Click here to read more and for registration.

Data Ethics Winter School 2022 - January 24-28 (online)
Health data empowerment & artificial intelligence - ethical dilemmas, advantages and challenges 
AI agents have already shown that they can match or even outperform human professionals in determining the best treatments for, amongst others, cancer patients. However, concerns have arisen regarding their ethical, societal and legal implications, as well as their susceptibility to errors. This Winter School will offer a unique set of lectures and activities enabling participants to familiarize themselves with the value chain of ethical, social and legal considerations in the field of biomedical AI solutions Click here to read more and to apply - deadline 17 December.
BioBusiness Winter School 2021 - February 9-11 (online)
This three days programme is a balance between theoretical sessions focusing on key knowledge of main business topics and interactive sessions with business leaders giving their insights in the world of European Life Sciences companies. A great way for MScs, PhDs and postdocs considering a career switch from academia to industry. Click here for more information & application.

BioBusiness Summer School – 27 June-1 July 2022 (Amsterdam)
The summer school is an introductory course for academics who are contemplating a career switch to industry and young professionals in their first industry jobs. During the five day programme, taking place from 27 June-1 July 2022 in Amsterdam, participants will learn the basics of the main business topics, gain insight into the world of Life Sciences companies, meet leading business people and expand their international network. Click here for more information & application.
Samenweten workshops public engagement (online)
Samenweten aspires to strengthen the dialogue between science and society and offers in the beginning of 2022 an exciting range of interactive workshops public engagement by researchers. These workshops are on Fridays from 9.30-12.30.
  • 28 January - Scientists reaching out: How do you engage stakeholders and interested parties with your research?
  • 18 February - Measuring impact: How do you measure the impact of your science communication activities?
  • 11 March - From University to House of representatives: How does the interaction between science and politics work?
These workshops are currently only available in Dutch. On the website you will also find more information about the workshops and many inspiring examples of public engagement by scientists (also in English). Go to the Samenweten website to register.

BCF Career Events 
BCF Career Events offer you the opportunity to connect with a broad range of top employers, attend company presentations, insightful sessions from seasoned professionals, and meet with over 1,500 like-minded peers. In other words; the BCF Career Events are the perfect opportunity to expand your network and maybe even land your first- or next job!   
  • 17 February - BCF Career Event Benelux - Online edition
  • 19 May - BCF Career Event Netherlands - Jaarbeurs Utrecht
  • 16 November - BCF Career Event Belgium - Ghent ICC

Click here to read more and to register.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board

Merian Kuipers
Edouard Bonneville
Enrico de Koning
Ziena Abdulrahman
Naomi Kappe
Dorine van Staalduinen
Daniele Bizzarri
Alice Bacon
Aline van Rijn
Pranav Mehta
Annelieke Lemij
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