LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter July 2023

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LAP Newsletter

July 2023

Dear fellow PhD candidates,

As the academic year is coming to an end, let's hope storm Poly will stay away so we can enjoy beautiful summer days at the beach. To kick off the summer season, we are organizing a boat trip through the lovely canals of Leiden on the 27th of July. Also, the LUMC has created a Research Q&A forum where you can share and find expertise as LUMC researcher. Read all about this in July's newsletter. 

We are also looking for new board members, so if you are interested, send your CV and a short motivation to

Best wishes,
The LAP board



27.07.2023 -  Boat trip Leiden -  17.00 - 19.00
On the 27th of July we are organizing a boat trip through the beautiful canals of Leiden. Registration is free of charge and drinks & snacks are included! There are still a few places available. Click here to register.

02.09.2023 - Pride Leiden Boat Parade
Join the LUMC boat during the Pride Leiden Boat Parade. Ticket price is €20 including drink and snacks. Register before 18.08.2023.

Converis feedback form
In order to bring your PhD to an end successfully, you need to upload several things in Converis. Converis also contains lots of information that you can use throughout your PhD. Unfortunately, we are aware that Converis is not always very user friendly. Therefore, we are trying to organize a session with the Graduate School and the technician to make some changes. Please fill in this feedback form about Converis, your suggestions would be very helpful!

Get set ... go! - Graduation magazine for young Alumni
Get set… go!' is an article in the Graduation Magazine for young Almuni, the magazine for Leiden University alumni. If you are between 22 and 27 years old and willing to do an interview on your first job and how you got it, we are looking for you! If you are interested, send an email before July 13. 
An example of the Graduation magazine can be found here. 

LAP New Boardmembers
We are looking for new board members. We represent all PhD candidates of the LUMC both locally through contact with the Graduate School and dean, and nationally through PNN. We also organize events and lectures such as the PhD day, pubquizzes, and networking events. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please send your CV and short motivation to If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Research Q&A Forum
This forum is the go-to place to easily share and find expertise as LUMC researcher. Reach all colleagues with the right expertise, irrespective of whether you already know them. Share knowledge efficiently. Answer once, but help anyone with a similar question in the future: your post will stay and can be found back easily. All information stays confidential. Research Q&A is only accessible with an LUMC account and is protected by the LUMC’s firewall. Click here to visit the forum.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon to get a group discount. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. has now also offered a special discount for the printing of your thesis, depending on the group size.

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of June has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read. If you have any ideas to expand your research, want to continue as a postdoc or just want to see what kind of grants are available to you in the future, make sure to check it out!


29.08.2023 - 01.09.2023 Medical Business Summer Academy @ TIAS School for Business and Society Tilburg (Dutch Only)
Heeft u zich wel eens afgevraagd hoe de zorg wordt bekostigd? Hoe de financiën van een ziekenhuis eruit zien? Hoe we de toekomstige uitdagingen in de zorg gaan oplossen? En welke invloed u als zorgprofessional daar zelf op heeft? Meld je dan nu aan voor de Medical Business Summer Academy waar inspirerende sprekers zoals Peter Langenbach, Marcel Levi, Daan Dohmen, Nardo van der Meer  verdiepende colleges zullen geven over dit onderwerp.Wil jij hier komend jaar ook bij zijn? Stuur je CV en motivatie naar
Klik hier voor meer informatie. 

29.09.2023 - Young TPI Career event @ YES!Delft
Are you passionate about animal-free science and are looking for ways to advance your career in the same field? Then join the Young TPI Career Event! The event offers an excellent opportunity to connect with professionals from industry, academia, regulatory boards, NGOs and many more!

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.

Introductory meetings
These meetings are organized five times a year, and are compulsory for all new PhD candidates. You preferably attend the meeting within the first 2-3 months after registration. For 2023 we’ve started planning new dates for the introductory meetings:
  • Wednesday 11 October @ Academiegebouw Leiden
  • Wednesday 29 November (online)
 Click here to register.

Leiden University Workshop Scientific Conduct for PhD's 
This workshop is part of the Leiden University mandatory wide program to make PhD candidates familiar with the different concepts related to scientific conduct and integrity. The workshop is taught by the LUMC Graduate School. Click here to register.
  • 24 August
  • 7 September

Leiden Bio Science Park
LBSP organizes many relevant events for PhD's and PostDocs, so always keep an eye out on their agenda.

PhD Statistics Courses 2023
Boerhaave Nascholing offers several statistics courses for PhD candidates, and registration for the following courses in 2023 has been opened: Click on the links above to register. Click here for a brief description of the courses.

HRM Learning & Development courses 2023
Click on one of the links below for more information about the course and the different Start dates in 2023.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board
Annelieke Lemij
Elise van Wijk
Carlijn Hoekx
Thaïs Tong
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic
Gregory Helmich
Esther Fousert


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