LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)
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LUMC PhD Day 2023 on April 19th: sign up now!

 PhD Day 2023


Dear fellow PhD candidates,

On the 19th of April we are organizing the PhD Day 2023 "PhDo, PhDid, PhDone"!
Starting with lunch, we will provide a day full of interesting plenary sessions, workshops, announcement of the new Supervisor of the Year and end the day with drinks at Hepatho.
As some workshops have a restricted amount of available places,
sign up as soon as possible via this form.
Registration is free of charge

Read all about our diverse program in this email. We hope to see you all on the 19th of April!

Best wishes,
The LAP board

Plenary Sessions

Plenary Session 1 - 12.35 - Looking is the art (of healing)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Frank Willem Jansen, gynaecologist

Observation is an important part of doing research. However, it is fading into the background now that doctors/researchers have a wide range of diagnostic tools available. With art, one can learn how to deal with the concept of learning to observe. In addition, art has occupied an important place in hospitals and is seen as a healing environment. What does art do to the patient and to the doctor/researcher? All these facets are discussed in the interactive lecture 'Looking is the art (of healing)'.
Plenary Session 2 - 14.45 - AI in healthcare & research
Speakers: Dr. Tanja Alderliesten; Dr. Andre Krom; Jan van Staalduinen, PhD fellow

Is artificial intelligence too complex? Can we trust AI to make decisions (for us)? What if it makes a mistake, who would be responsible? These are some of the issues that dr. Tanja Alderliesten, dr. Andre Krom and Jan van Staalduinen will be tackling during this plenary session about the use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare.

Plenary Session 3 - 17.00 - Dilemmas at Thirty...
Speaker: Nienke Wijnants, psychologist and writer

What is it that I want, really? How am I going to finish my PhD? What do I want to do afterwards? Find a job? Travel? Do a postdoc, or something completely different? Do I want to move in with my partner, get married, think about starting a family? Or shall I just wait?
When everything seems possible and standards and expectations are high, this time of your life can feel wonderful, but also brings uncertainties, social comparison, and questions about purpose: Who am I really, and what do I want? Nienke Wijnants, psychologist, career advisor and author of the books ‘
Thirty-something Dilemma’ and ‘Who am I and what do I want?’ will talk about how to tackle these issues, to make choices with confidence, to get ever closer to living the life that best suits you.


During the PhD Day, we will be organizing workshops in two different rounds.
Click here to read all about our interesting workshops!

Supervisor of the Year 

The Supervisor of the Year will be announced after the third plenary session.

Is your supervisor a brilliant scientist, a role model, accessible, enthusiastic or just great in any other way? 
Then nominate your supervisor now by filling in this short questionnaire. This way you can thank your supervisor and inspire other supervisors to guide their PhD candidates in the best way possible. The supervisor of the year will be awarded at the end of the PhD day.

You can still nominate your supervisor until the 31st of March!


Contact LAP


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website

LAP Board
Annelieke Lemij
Pranav Mehta
Elise van Wijk
Carlijn Hoekx
Thaïs Tong
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic
Gregory Helmich

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