LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

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Essential Dialogue for PhD Candidates at the LUMC

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Your Attendance Required:
Essential Dialogue for PhD Candidates at the LUMC 
Dear PhD candidate,

As we navigate through crucial times at the Leiden University Medical Center, your engagement and voice are more important than ever. In light of recent events, we as the LAP board, are convening a vital session to address your concerns and to provide clarity.

This session offers a direct dialogue between Eline Slagboom (the LUMC Confident), Henk-Jan Guchelaar (the interim dean of the faculty of medicine), Alexandra Langers (portfolio holder for education), Bob Siegerink (coordinator of the LUMC Graduate School) and with the LAP board. Your active participation is essential to shape the conversation and to further understand the impact of these developments on your PhD trajectory.

Session Details
Date and Time: November 23rd 2023, 09:00 – 10:00
Location: LUMC Main Building, Lecture Hall 1 (Route 768)
Format: Closed-door session, exclusively for PhD candidates.
This session is critical and we strongly urge you to attend. It’s more than a forum to ask questions – it’s a chance to make your voice heard in a time of substantial change. We will not discuss individual cases, but we will address broader concerns and provide insights into what to expect from the new faculty leadership.

Please confirm your attendance by filling out this form. This will help us organize the session more effectively. Please bring your LUMC badge as this might be checked to confirm you are indeed a PhD candidate from the LUMC, as this is a closed-door session.

For those unable to attend:
Your involvement is important to us, please send your questions or comments to and we will compile them into a Q&A to be answered (if possible) during the session.

Stay Updated via LinkedIn and Instagram:
For ongoing updates and important announcements, make sure to follow LAP on LinkedIn and Instagram. This will ensure you stay informed about all future events and discussions.

Your presence, questions and input are key in this crucial time. This session is about standing together as a PhD community and influencing the future of our academic trajectory here at the LUMC.

Did you know there is a LAP WhatsApp Community Chat?
LAP has created a WhatsApp community chat exclusively for LUMC PhD candidates, a chat designated to keep you up to date with relevant developments, events that are being organized, for you to give us feedback, to pitch ideas for new events and to help foster a better sense of social cohesion between PhD candidates and different hospital departments. You can join this community chat via this link.

We eagerly anticipate your participation and valuable contributions to the closed-door session.

Best wishes – also on behalf of the LUMC Graduate School,

The LAP Board



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board
Gregory Helmich
Esther Fousert
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic
Ivana Kancheva
Amar Levens
Simone Jansen

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