LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter August 2019


LAP Newsletter

August 2019

Hi fellow PhD candidates,

As of tomorrow summer is half over!! The good news is that we are organizing a fabulous end of summer BBQ, but more on that later ... in July newsletter, you will find updates on upcoming courses and workshops, two sports competitions, and some suggestions. Also, iGEM and PNN are looking for new members, check the announcements below for details. Annnd we have a new section --peer learning-- this section will not survive long without you, read below to know how you can contribute.
Let us have your comments about this newsletter by emailing us at
Enjoy reading!

the LAP board.


Upcoming Events

Workshop: How to design and print your thesis

This workshop will provide you with Tips and Tricks for printing your thesis book and it includes a free lunch! Note that the workshop is limited to 30 participants. Register for free here or download the poster.

Date: August 22nd 2019
Time: 12.30 - 13.30 hrs
Location: LUMC building 2, T0-022

Keep a close watch of our social media for more details!

Suggestion Corner

Suggested Read

Nature’s photo competition | Nature CAREER COLUMN
This year’s #ScientistAtWork contest attracted diverse entries from around the world. 
Take a break and watch these amazing photos of scientists at work!

Suggested Watch

Dance your PhD
When the dreaded question comes: “So, what’s your PhD research about?” don’t you wish you lived in a world where you could just ask people to pull out their phones to watch an online video explaining your PhD research through interpretive dance?
2018 marked the 11th year of Dance Your PhD contest hosted by Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The contest challenges scientists around the world to explain their research through the most jargon-free medium available: interpretive dance.
Learn why this is a good idea by watching this video by John Bohannon, who started it all.
You can also watch the winner video of 2018 in Biology category which was also the Audience Favorite.

+Peer Learning

Science meets Business summer café & BBQ experience | By Hidde Zittersteijn
Do you know what SmB stands for? Have you ever joined SmB Café at Leiden Bio Science Park
If you wanna know the answer, read a short note from a fellow PhD who attended the last SmB meeting. 

“When I started my PhD in 2017, I only knew a few things about the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP). There are a lot of biotech start-ups, a few large companies and some superficial facts & figures from the LBSP website. I was curious about how things were managed inside the industry, but I had no contacts on the inside of these companies! Talking to a fellow PhD about this, he pointed me towards the website of “Science meets Business” as a nice way to get familiar with different kind of companies (both large and smaller!) and the people working in them.
They organise monthly events (every second Thursday of the month) where different companies get to speak about their work and particular solutions/achievements they came up with, followed by drinks. Also, there often are alumni working in the industry that come to talk about their career paths. The presentations show a different dynamic and focus compared to our scientific talks.
My first visit immediately was a great experience! Networking is actively encouraged, both for cooperation and recruitment/job-seeking purposes! All the people I spoke to were interested in getting to know you as a PhD and some were actually open to meet with me outside of the event! Either for an exploratory talk or to experience a day in the industry.
I am definitely visiting the SmB café more often to learn more about the companies within LBSP and to broaden my network!“

You can check it out yourself!
NOTE: If you have similar experiences about courses, event, books or basically anything that you think is helpful to your peers, write a short note and send it to us, we can publish it here!

Internal Information

Graduate School Office is closed for summer holidays

The Graduate School Office will be closed from 12-16 August 2019. The processing of your emails and administrative steps in Converis will be delayed.
 The Beadle’s office is closed from Monday, August 5th until Friday, August 16th 2019. Copies of your PhD thesis can be handed in at the reception of the Academy Building, Rapenburg 73.

Transfusion Medicine Course 

The Boerhaave course ‘Regenerative medicine and immune modulation’ will provide an update of the, mostly autologous, state of the art cellular therapies. The participants will be prepared for the clinical application of these novel therapies and,  potentially, intrigued to assist in co-design of these new treatment modalities.

Date: Thursday,14 November
Location: LUMC, Collegezaal 3

For more info and registration, click here.

Spots available on Courses  starting in September

This is a list of courses with start dates in September for which there are still spots available. The dates indicate the start date for the course, but note that courses may cover more than 1 session. 

• Communication in Science  – Sept 3
• Time Management and Self Management  – Sept 3, Sept 10
• Data and Project Management – Sept 3
• Speed reading – Sept 5
• Writing an Excellent Grant Proposal  – Sept 6
• Planning and Managing your PhD project – Sept 6, Sept 27
• Effective communication – Sept 6, Sept 18 
• Qualitative interviewing – Sept 11
• Presenting skills – Sept 18
• Academic writing – Sept 24, 25

Plan your future career
• Job Interview Skills – Sept 12 (morning or afternoon session)
• Job Orientation – Sept 17
•  Career guidance - make an appointment with one of the career advisors for expert advice on your career and development:

More Information 
Please check the website for registration, more start dates, and even more courses. Also, check if you are eligible for reimbursement of the registration costs.

External Information

BCF Grant Application Course 

Improve your grant writing skills and take your academic career to the next level
Do you want to enhance your career prospects in academia? Do you wish to improve one of the most vital skills for succeeding in science? Then join the BCF Grant Application Course (16-17 January | Amsterdam) on how to write a successful grant application. During this intensive two-day course you will be taught by seasoned scientists, grant application experts who have reviewed hundreds of grants, assessors from funding bodies and many more. 

For more information on the website.

Registration deadline is 15 October (early-bird) and 19 December (final deadline) but register quickly since the spots are limited because we aim to keep the class sizes small to allow for optimal personal feedback and interaction.


Sports Competitions

Leiden Bio Science Park

Beach Volleyball Competition

Sign up before 13th August 2019.

8 Tuesdays, starting August 20th at 17:00

Set up
-Teams consist of 8 players.
- Matches are 6 vs 6.
-It is played on a beach volleyball court.
-Each team plays 5 games over 8 weeks.
-The playing time is 30 minutes per game.
  More info in this link.

Location:  Leiden University Sports Centre



Football Autumn Competition

Sign up before 22nd August 2019.

8 Thursday, starting August 29 at 17:00

Set up
-Teams consist of 7 players.
- It is played on a half field.
-Each team plays 5 games over 8 weeks.
-The playing time is 30 minutes per game.

  More info in this link.

Sign up a team by sending an email to: or sign up at the front desk of the USC.

Join the iGEM team of Leiden

Our student team will present our research in November 2019 during the iGEM Jamboree in Boston. For our project, we want to investigate more interesting applications of our protein. Therefore, we can use the input from PhD students from the LUMC. If you think you have found a great application, feel free to contact our team!

PNN is looking for new board members 

Here is PNN's call for new board members.

Nieuwe vacature PNN: Algemeen bestuurslid Diversiteit & Buitenpromovendi
Het PNN is de landelijke belangenorganisatie voor en door promovendi in Nederland. We vertegenwoordigen promovendi op nationaal niveau en zijn daarmee een gesprekspartner voor o.a. Tweede Kamerleden, het ministerie van OCW, de VSNU, de KNAW, Science in Transition en Academic Transfer. We organiseren jaarlijks verschillende bijeenkomsten, zijn actief in de VAWO (de vakbond voor de wetenschap) en Eurodoc (Europees PhD-overleg). Op onze ALV’s overleggen promovendi-vertegenwoordigers van alle Nederlandse universiteiten en UMC’s met elkaar.
Vanaf 20 september 2019 is het PNN op zoek naar versterking in de vorm van een nieuw algemeen bestuurslid Diversiteit & Buitenpromovendi.
Zie de bijlage voor de volledige beschrijving en neem bij vragen contact op met Kimberley Anneveldt via

Contact LAP

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at You can also follow us on various social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram. To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences/Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

Hidde Zittersteijn 
Natacha Ogando
Max van Hout 
Niels Harlaar

Tom Metz
Nanda Boon 
Francesca Tasca
Mitra Ebrahimpoor
Margherita Botto

Nienke Blomberg

Contact the Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can always contact the Graduate School Office at or visit the website

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