LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter July 2019


LAP Newsletter

July 2019

Hi fellow PhD candidates,

Our July newsletter is a short summer breeze. We have a look back at our Italian borrel, an introduction to the research support desk, two upcoming events and some suggestions. Any comments on the newsletter? email us at

Enjoy reading!

the LAP board.


Italian Borrel Collage

Here is a look back at a lovely evening with you.
Stay tuned for another summer party!

Suggestion Corner

Suggested Read

Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD | Nature CAREER COLUMN
Starting a PhD can be tough. Looking back, there are many things I wish I’d known at the beginning. Here, I have curated a list of advice... KEEP READING.

By Lucy A. Taylor, a recent Oxford Graduate

Suggested Video
Have you ever seen an atom?
Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles have found a way to create stunningly detailed 3D reconstructing of platinum nanoparticles at an atomic scale. These are being used to study tiny structural irregularities called dislocations. Watch here.

Internal Information

For all questions concerning your research

To know more about RSD read this or check out this link.


You can contact the RSD by:
1. TOPdesk:
2. E-mail:
3. Walk-in consults (S-07-24, building 2): Tuesdays 11:00 – 12:00 / Thursdays 16:00 – 17:00

Even more information
A lot of information on setting up and conducting research can be found on Albinusnet [block ‘Research’]. Additionally, many relevant guidelines are published on iProva, for instance concerning clinical research.

External Information

Reminder: Sports Day - Leiden Bio Science Park

Date: Thursday 04 - July - 2019
Where: Leiden University Sports Centre
For whom: All employees at Leiden Bio Science Park
Participation: Free

Note: Do you not have a team and want to join one of the team sports? No problem! Please register and you will be assigned to a team.

Tournaments programme

15.45      Welcome
16.00      Start tournaments: 
•    Tennis (Doubles matches)
•    Football (Contests are 5 to 5 on a fourth field and matches of 12 minutes)
•    Volleyball (Contests are 6 against 6 and matches of 12 minutes)
20.00       And the winners are.....
21.00      Close

There will be a small food market catered by Peper events in cooperation with Dames Dietz. You will be offered some bites and drinks.

Save the date, mini-symposium at the Life Sciences Café 

The Leiden Bio Science Park and BioPartner celebrate their 35th anniversary with a mini-symposium at the Life Sciences Café on Thursday 19 September.

  • 15.30  Doors open
  • 16.00 Mini Symposium (in Dutch)
    • Herbert Heyneker (Biotech Pioneer)
40 years of Biotechnology
  • Thijs de Kleer (Director BioPartner)
    35 years of BioPartner, as the engine of the Leiden Bio Science Park
  • Paul Dirkse (Alderman Municipality of Leiden)
    The future of the Leiden Bio Science Park
  • Mayor Henri Lenferink will close the event in a festive way  
  • 17.15 Drinks & Networking

Location: Foyer BioPartner 1 (J.H. Oortweg 21, 2333 CH Leiden)
Will you join us? Please register your attendance via our website.

Contact LAP

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at You can also follow us on various social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram. To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences/Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

Hidde Zittersteijn 
Sarah Bosma
Natacha Ogando
Max van Hout 
Niels Harlaar

Tom Metz
Nanda Boon 
Francesca Tasca
Mitra Ebrahimpoor
Margherita Botto

Nienke Blomberg

Contact the Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can always contact the Graduate School Office at or visit the website

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