LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter February 2021

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LAP Newsletter

February 2021

Dear fellow PhD candidates,
We hope you are doing well! This month we only have a short update on coming events. If you have some time, be sure to check out our website on which we gathered all information on the logistics of doing a PhD at the LUMC.

Also, keep an eye out for our next newsletter and our social media, because we are planning an event on the current position of women in the workplace, in April. Do let us know if you have any suggestions.

Good luck with your experiments / analyses / writing / the biostatistics course / the eBROK, or whatever it is you do to keep yourself busy.

The LAP board



Problems with your research due to the shortage of lab material?
On December 18th it was announced that there was a shortage in diagnostic and research materials in the LUMC. Research labs were asked to turn in their supplies to allow the continuation of the diagnostic labs.

Many departments have found alternatives and other experiments to work on. However, if you are experiencing a delay in your PhD or are afraid this diminishes the quality of your work, please let us know by sending an email to

Status of ongoing or upcoming courses
HRM Learning & Development courses are offered mostly online. This is done with the well-known professional trainers and in an interactive manner. Please register in the usual way. Click here for the complete overview of upcoming courses. 
If you have any questions, please contact 

Grants newsletter January
Every month, the Directorate of Research Policy sends out a grants newsletter. Click here to read the January edition. (link to Albinusnet; login with your LUMC account)



Contribute to better Research Data Management and win a 50 euro gift card
Take part in Amsterdam UMC’s and Castor’s survey about Research Data Management. Your help will provide insight into how researchers collect their data and how they can be supported in this.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Ten gift cards of 50 euros from or Amazon will be raffled among all participants.


Workshop: van Aula naar Binnenhof (Dutch)
17 februari 9.30 - 12.30
Online Samenweten workshop in samenwerking met Parlement en Wetenschap voor promovendi en postdocs over de interactie tussen wetenschap en politiek.
Deelnemers gaan in gesprek met een panel bestaande uit wetenschappers die veel ervaring hebben met de politiek en mensen die werken in of nabij de Tweede Kamer. Hoe werkt de Tweede Kamer? Wat zijn de do’s en don’ts voor wetenschappers die met de Kamer te maken hebben? Het panel bestaat uit:
  • Marion Koopmans, hoogleraar virologie Rotterdam, lid van het OMT voor Covid-19
  • Helga de Valk, hoogleraar migratie en levensloop Groningen, directeur NIDI Den Haag
  • Jeroen Kersenboom, hoofd Dienst Analyse en Onderzoek Tweede Kamer
  • Hugo van Bergen, coördinator Parlement en Wetenschap
Tijdens de workshop zullen we in groepjes een aantal oefeningen doen rondom de volgende vragen:
  • Hoever reikt mijn deskundigheid als onderzoeker? Waar eindigt wetenschap en begint politiek?
  • Aan welke actuele dossiers zou ik wetenschappelijke kennis kunnen bijdragen? 
Inschrijving kan via deze link tot 15 februari.
LIMSC 2021
On the 12th and 13th of March, 2021, the annual Leiden International (Bio)Medical Student Conference will take place. Different from the years prior, LIMSC 2021 will be completely virtual, offering a completely new angle to a well-established event and making it accessible to an even broader audience.

Registration for the event is completely free and can be done here:
Courses Advanced Data Management
Advanced Data Management has adjusted all its courses to online courses that can be followed from home. This enables you to follow LUMC courses on data management, data stewardship and Castor. The online courses provide live lectures, assignments and discussions via Teams or Kaltura.
  • From CRF to Castor: Learn to design a proper CRF and to choose a structure in Castor that suits your study design.
  • Castor workshop: Learn step by step how to build a database in Castor yourself.
  • Advanced Castor workshop: Learn to apply advanced features of Castor.
  • From database to dataset (only in Dutch): Prepare your dataset for analysis, including: cleaning data, merging datasets, transforming datasets. You will also practice in SPSS.
  • Data stewardship: Write a data management plan and learn how to handle your data in all phases of research.
You can register by clicking the links above (note: register for both the course and the associated “event”)
If you have any questions, please contact: Advanced Data Management (ADM)

BioBusiness Summer School – 28 June - 2 July 2021 – Amsterdam
Are you a PhD, postdoc or a Master student and are you interested to pursue your career in one of the many Life Sciences companies in the Benelux? Do you want to know more about your career opportunities and learn about key business topics? BioBusiness Summer School is a 5-days course, focussing on key knowledge of main business topics in Life Sciences and allowing you to connect with professionals from the field and expand your network with like-minded peers. Get in touch with leading organisations from the Benelux such as Janssen Pharmaceutica, EY, Avantium, Thuja Capital, myTomorrows, Scenic Biotech and many more!
Early-bird discounts until 31 March 2021
Grant Application Course – 10 & 11 March 2021 - online
The Grant Application Course is tailored to the needs of PhD students, postdocs, and young group leaders. If you are looking to enhance your academic career, this live online course is made for you and will increase your chances of success for grant proposals & career development.
Top speakers will join from: Amsterdam UMC, Catalyze, FFUND, NKI, NWO, Oncode Institute and UMC Utrecht.
Registration deadline 1 March 2021



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website

To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

LAP Board

Merian Kuipers
Edouard Bonneville
Enrico de Koning
Ziena Abdulrahman
Naomi Kappe
Dorine van Staalduinen
Daniele Bizzarri
Alice Bacon
Aline van Rijn
Nienke Blomberg
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