LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter March 2021

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LAP Newsletter

March 2021

Dear fellow PhD candidates,
We hope you are doing well! This newsletter has some info on the new PhD regulations and lists a few events that might interest you.

Although it is difficult to organize real-life events this year, also for us as LAP, we are working on an interesting online event: Women in the Workplace. Among others, we have workshops on gender differences in negotiation and women in leadership. Keep an eye out for our social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) to make sure you reserve your spot when registration opens!

In addition, next week, we have our very own LUMC live session! The dean, as well as researchers in the LUMC, will be interviewed on doing your PhD research project during a global pandemic. The link will be posted on Albinusnet. Scroll down to read more.

The LAP board



Changes in PhD regulation per 8 February 2021
The PhD regulations 2021 are now available on the website of Leiden University.

Click here to read the full PhD regulations of 2021
Click here to read the most important changes

Status of ongoing or upcoming courses
HRM Learning & Development courses are offered mostly online. This is done with the well-known professional trainers and in an interactive manner. Please register in the usual way. Click here for the complete overview of upcoming courses. 
If you have any questions, please contact 



National PostDoc progam will help new doctors begin a start-up
Coming fall Dutch Universities will start with a program for postdocs to help researchers with a doctorate to start their own company. What can be expected of this program? Click here to read more (Article in Dutch)


LUMC live: PhD research in COVID times
On the 9th of March 12.30-13.30 there will be a panel discussion with the dean and several researcher, on doing your PhD research during COVID times. The link will appear on Albinusnet.

You can send in any questions you want to see discussed via this form, and also during the session itself you can still ask questions.
Dr. Cor de Kroon – gyneacologist-oncologist, host
Prof. Dr. Pancras Hogendoorn – dean
Merian Kuipers – PhD candidate dept. of pulmonology, chair LAP
Dr. Noel de Miranda – PI ImmunoGenomics group, dept. of pathology
Gildeprint webinar: thesis printing and lay-outing
Gildeprint is organizing a webinar of March 25th. The topics include:
  • Lay-outing
  • Printing techniques
  • Paper types
  • E-book & QR-codes
  • Special options for your cover
  • Timeframe
Date: 25-03-2021
Time: 13.30 - 14.30
Register: To join the online webinar you can register here

A message from LIMSC 2021:
The first online edition of LIMSC will take place next Friday, March 12 and Saturday, March 13, 2021. We are looking for PhD students who want to participate in the speed date round. The speed date round with students will take place on Friday 12 March from 15:25 to 16:00.
During this speed date round, students will come together in groups to get to know each other, to network, to exchange ideas and to discuss their research. One LUMC PhD student will always be present in the breakout rooms, to tell more about the research he or she is doing and to explain what it is like to follow a PhD track at the LUMC.
Are you an enthusiastic PhD student that would like to participate in the speed date round? Please let us know ASAP! This would help us a lot to make the conference a success!
Contact us via:

DATAETHICS pilot school 2021
Ethical consideration in interpretation and handling of biomedical big data
Online event: 12-16 April 2021
Four participants from LUMC can join (open to BSc, MSc and PhD students)
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2021
DATAETHICS is a transnational project, which aims at updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from Biomedical Big Data (BBD) collection and use. The 5-day pilot school offers a unique opportunity to listen to the lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in ethics and biomedicine. The course also offers plenty of opportunities to network with fellow students and thematic experts from nine leading European medical institutions.
Click here to read more




The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website

To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

LAP Board

Merian Kuipers
Edouard Bonneville
Enrico de Koning
Ziena Abdulrahman
Naomi Kappe
Dorine van Staalduinen
Daniele Bizzarri
Alice Bacon
Aline van Rijn
Nienke Blomberg
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