LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

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Newsletter February 2023

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LAP Newsletter

February 2023

Dear fellow PhD candidates,

Days are finally getting a bit longer, so hopefully that will give you some energy to finish the projects you have been working on for the past few months. If you are preparing for your thesis defence, there is a very useful book in the Walaeus Library available now that you can borrow. Read all about this book, the PhD buddy system and PhD support group, music composition lessons and the summer school on biostatistics in this newsletter.

Also, save the date for the PhD day on April 19th and don't forget to nominate your supervisor for the Supervisor of the Year Award!

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Best wishes,
The LAP board



19.04.2023 - PhD day - Save the date!

Supervisor of the Year Nominations 2023
Deadline 31.03.2023
Is your supervisor a brilliant scientist, a role model, accessible, enthusiastic, or just great in any other way? Then nominate your supervisor now by filling in this short questionnaire. This way you can thank your supervisor and inspire other supervisors to guide their PhD candidates in the best way possible. The supervisor of the year will be awarded during a festive ceremony on the PhD day on the 19th of April.

PhD Support group - Online
PhD-candidates can face specific challenges, such as combining education with research and navigating in a new or unfamiliar academic world. In this peer support group you will have the opportunity to talk and share experiences with a group of 7 fellow PhD-candidates and a peer-guide. The group will meet once a week over the course of Monday 6 March 2023 - Friday 14 April 2023. Click here to register. If you are a PhD candidate that would enjoy guiding a PhD peer support group? Please send an email for more information.

PhD Buddy system
You can apply for a buddy and will be matched with another PhD candidate based on your interests, what you look for in a buddy, where you live and your age. PhD buddies can support each other personally and academically. You can apply for the buddy service via this link.

Book "Planning and passing your PhD defence: a global toolbox for success" 
This book is a toolbox for PhD students to plan and prepare for the PhD defence regardless of their scientific discipline or location. This book covers topics such as: understanding your defence format, preparing for committee questions, preparing mentally and dealing with anxiety. This book is crucial reading for students across the world looking to defend their PhD thesis. You can borrow this book now from the Walaeus Library.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon to get a group discount. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. 

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of January has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read. If you have any ideas to expand your research, want to continue as a postdoc or just want to see what kind of grants are available to you in the future, make sure to check it out!


Group Lessons of Music Composition at the Leids Academisch Kunstcentrum (LAK Leiden University)
Deadline 07.02.2023
Does music have a special place in your heart? Are you curious about how music is created from scratch? This composition course organized in group lessons is open to anyone interested in music and will be given by Sara Zamboni on Tuesdays from 20.00-21.30, starting on February 14th. Playing an instrument or being able to read a score are not necessary. Particular attention is paid to sound as a plastic material with infinite possibilities and as the primary building block of any musical form or genre. Visit the website for more information and registration. A course can only start with enough participants, so register as soon as possible!

Vacancies board Promovendi Netwerk Nederland
Deadline 13.02.2023
PNN is looking for three new board members: they have vacancies for the portfolios Open Science and Recognition & Rewards, Labour Conditions - Universities and PhD wellbeing. Dutch proficiency is required for the first two positions. For most PhD candidates, their time spent on PNN can be compensated in the form of a contract extension. Click here for more information about the vacancies and send your application before February 13th. 

Collaboration with Leiden Science Faculty
The LUMC would like to strengthen collaborations with the Science Faculty through the 10 Innovation Themes. The research board would like to know what connections you already have with FNW. Please fill in a few questions; it will help them a lot.

04.06.2023-17.06.2023 - Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
The Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, with teachers from Harvard University, Karolinska Institutet, and other European universities, will take place in Italy from 4th June to 17th of June 2023. Registration is now open and the deadline for early registration is the 28th of February2023. For more information and the brochure, see this document
Click here to apply.

Student well-being
Leiden University has a wide range of support if needed. But where can you find it? This roadmap is a handy overview.

Handling threats or intimidation
Unfortunately, a lot of scientists experience hate reactions or threats during their career. That is why the website SafeScience (WetenschapVeilig) has been launched on November 7th 2022. This website is available 24/7 to help scientists find support in case of threats, intimidation or hate speech. For more information visit the Leiden University news page.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.

06.02.2023 - Symposium "Understanding and utilizing the tumor microenvironment in cancer therapy" - 16.00 @ C1-63 LUMC
On Monday February 6th 2023 the symposium “Understanding and utilizing the tumor microenvironment in cancer therapy” will be organized. There are four excellent speakers including Prof Arne Ostman (Karolinska Institute), Prof. Marjolein van Egmond (AUMC) and Dr Schmierer (Karolinska institute). In addition Tom Harrijvan will summarize the findings from his thesis “Stromal immunobiology in gastrointestinal cancer”. Click here for the full program.
14.02.2023 - Interactive workshop "Lets talk about stress baby" - 15.15 @ The Shop, Biopartner 5, Oestgeest
Deadline 10.02.2023
On Tuesday February 14th The HumanCapital Community organizes an interactive workshop on stress. In this interactive session, Saskia Portegies, vitality coach at Solid Sense, will take you through questions such as: What is stress? How do I recognize it for myself and in others? What can I do about it and how do I manage it in an honest and effective way? How do we talk about it? Interesting for anyone who wants to get started with this topic professionally, but certainly also for anyone who notices that the past few years have had a major impact on your mental resilience. Register here.

Introductory meetings
These meetings are organized five times a year, and are compulsory for all new PhD candidates. You preferably attend the meeting within the first 2-3 months after registration. For 2023 we’ve started planning new dates for the introductory meetings:
  • Wednesday 22 March (online)
  • Wednesday 5 July (Academiegebouw)
  • Wednesday 29 November (online)
 Click here to register.

Leiden Bio Science Park
LBSP organizes many relevant events for PhD's and PostDocs, so always keep an eye out on their agenda.

PhD Statistics Courses 2023
Boerhaave Nascholing offers several statistics courses for PhD candidates, and registration for the following courses in 2023 has been opened: Click on the links above to register. Click here for a brief description of the courses.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board
Annelieke Lemij
Pranav Mehta
Elise van Wijk
Carlijn Hoekx
Thaïs Tong
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic

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