LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter March 2020

LAP Newsletter

March 2020

Hi fellow PhD students,

Yes! Spring has started, finally!! How do we celebrate the end of winter? With awesome spring parties, and PhD day 2020. Save the date! Keep scrolling to learn more on these events, for interesting reads, and the upcoming Leiden university courses. Also, LAP is looking for new board members!

Please do contact us if you have questions or suggestions!

Best wishes,
The LAP board


PhD day 2020: The Future of Science


On May 7th the bi-annual PhD day will take place! The theme of this PhD day is: The
future of Science. Renowned keynote speakers will enlighten us on the current subjects to keep an eye on the coming years: AI and machine learning, and nature as inspiration for science and technology.

7th of May - 12:00 - 18:00 Where? LUMC - Burumazaal (CZ-6)
Boerhaave registration following soon! Click here for the facebook event to stay updated

Inequalities in maternal and child health

Where do the problems really lie?

On Tuesday March 10th, guest professor Marian Knight will give a Boerhaave-lecture on Inequalities in maternal and child health. She is this year's LUF-Boerhaave guest professor of the LUMC.

At the University of Oxford professor Knight leads the MBRRACE-UK research on maternal morbidity and mortality in order to address clinical questions on mother and child health.

When? 10 march 16:00 - 17:00
Where? Lecture Hall 1 LUMC

Join the lecture by sending an email to ms. Sewpal:

Upcoming parties!

Did you know March and April are the PhD Party months? Why is this you ask? Well, it is right in between the Christmas break and the summer months, and you deserve some fun!

Therefore we have outlined three parties for you: the LEO roaring 20s party, the Spring party of JongLUMC, and ofcourse, the awesome Flower Power Party organized by us, in cafe Einstein!

Click the poster to register.

Suggested reads

Knowledge sector takes major step forward in new approach to recognising and rewarding academics

From now on, the public knowledge institutions and research funders (VSNU, NFU, KNAW en ZonMw) want to consider academics’ knowledge and expertise more broadly in determining career policy and grant requirements.

NWO newsupdate


How to write a top-notch paper: peer review

In this four-part podcast series about writing a paper, scientists share the highs and lows of getting published for the first time, and what the experience taught them. In the second episode, four researchers and a manuscript editor explain the best way to respond when your paper is rejected or receives peer-review comments that you disagree with.

Nature | 15 min listen


So you want to be a principal investigator

From bouncing back from failure to knowing when to quit, immunologist John Tregoning and computational biologist Jason McDermott outline ten tips for overcoming “the biggest choke point in an academic career … moving from doing someone else’s research to getting other people to do yours”. With cartoons!

PLOS Computational Biology | 18 min read


Internal Information

Upcoming Courses

As an important note: Now the courses are free of charge, we have observed a significant increase in registrations. We are trying our bests to accommodate your demand. If you find that a course you would like to participate in is full, please register for the 'waiting list', so we can schedule in new sessions.  Also, please show up if you have registered, or cancel well in advance - there are people who would happily take your spot. We will charge a €100 cancellation fee if you cancel within two weeks of the start date of the course.  You can find a list of all PhD courses via this link (click 'view courses'). Please note that the deadline for registration is two weeks before the start date of the course

External Information

SmB Cafe March 12th

After a nice start of 2020 Science meets Business Cafe will be back in March with another cafe in Biopartner.

This time involving AI for stuttering, White Biotech and Investigation of Rare Cancer. And of course any subject you bring up during the discussion and/or drinks.

Sign up now!

Leiden BioScience Congres April 21st

LUMC, Janssen and Galapagos organize the first Leiden Bio Science Congress & Career event on 21 April 2020 in collaboration with Leiden Bio Science Park. You can expect interesting keynote lectures, interactive workshops and a lively panel discussion.

Click for more information


New vacancies PNN: General board member quality, diversity and career

The PNN is the national representation of interest organization for and by PhD students in The Netherlands. We represent PhD candidates at the national level and are therefore a partner for members of the House of Representatives, the Ministry of Education, the VSNU, the KNAW, Science in Transition and Academic Transfer. We organize various meetings every year and are active in de AOb (Algemene Onderwijsbond) and Eurodoc (European PhD consultation). PhD candidates from all Dutch universities and UMC's meet at our GMM's. 
As of the 20th of March, we are looking for 3 new general board members: quality, diversity and career. Since collaborations with most of our partners takes place in Dutch, being fluent in Dutch is a requirement. More information and the full description (in Dutch) can be found here or contact Kimberley Anneveldt via

YOUNG Medical Delta - Board vacancy

YOUNG Medical Delta (YMD) connects students and young professionals who share a passion for medical technology and innovation. We are part of the Medical Delta network, connecting the LUMC and Erasmus MC with the TU Delft, Hogeschool Leiden and Hogeschool Rotterdam. Click for more information
We are looking for a PhD student, preferably in the 1st or 2nd year of their PhD project, with a special interest in medical technology and innovation. A position in the YOUNG Medical Delta board normally lasts for 2 years and we are currently looking for someone to take over the chair position in 2021. Please contact us via for more information.
Interested? Send your CV and a short motivation letter to



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram

To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 
LAP Board
Hidde Zittersteijn
Edouard Bonneville
Max van Hout
Niels Harlaar
Tom Metz
Nanda Boon
Francesca Tasca
Aline van Rijn
Margherita Botto
Nienke Blomberg
Our mailing address is: