LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter October 2019


LAP Newsletter

October 2019

Hi fellow PhD candidates,

Our October newsletter has information about our upcoming event, announcements on internal and external courses, workshops, and meetings, and a chance to win a grant for early-career bioscientists. Also, there is a "best poster" competition in LUMC and we have tweaked our suggestions with a twitter thread to inspire you. 

Thanks for your emails and please keep them coming to

Enjoy reading!

the LAP board.


Science meets Business Cafe at LUMC
in collaboration with Leiden Bioscience Park

We are happy to announce that the November SmB cafe will take place at LUMC. If you have been reading about the SmB cafe and Leiden Bioscience park in the newsletter and did not have a chance to give it a try, this is your chance!

- Do not forget to register for FREE.

Location: LUMC, Building 2, Restaurant

Program (November 14th):
17:00 Walk-in
17:30 Start speakers
(Read about the speakers on the website, as they update)
18:30 Networking Drinks
20:00 End

What is SmB? Science meets Business organizes several events throughout the year with the goal to 1) spark collaboration between science and business through networking and 2) to close the gap between the Leiden Bio Science Park and Leiden center by showing what awesome things are happening there.
The main, most frequent event - and as such the backbone of Science meets Business - is the SmB Cafe. This cafe is hosted every second Thursday of the month, nine times a year (Feb-Jun, Sep-Dec), at BioPartner or at PLNT. 
​Other events include the Business Plan Competition (SmBPC), the annual BBQ (SmBBQ) and other incidental events and appearances like (at) Gulliver (started by SmB), the Weekend Business Challenge, the Science Tent at Werfpop and Leiden Loves Science.
Read about the October SmB cafe (This Thursday) here.


Suggestion Corner

Suggested Read

Tips on how to write a great science paper | Nature CAREER COLUMN
Pulitzer-prizewinning novelist Cormac McCarthy has provided extensive editing to numerous faculty members and postdocs at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, including theoretical biologist and ecologist Van Savage. Savage summarizes the advice he got from McCarthy over a winter of lively weekly lunches. McCarthy’s most important tip: keep it simple while telling a coherent, compelling story. Read all tips here.

Experimental replication shows ... | Science Direct 
Can you trust your own humanly resources for making a knife in Antarctica?!!!!
Read a scientific answer here.

Inspiration for your next poster | Twitter
Need inspiration for your next poster? read this twitter thread.
If you made your poster before Oct 15th, join the contest and win the 250-euro best poster prize at LUMC! (see below for details)

Suggested Events

There is a lot going on in the Leiden Bioscience Park, check this link for details and more events. Note that these events are generally free and somewhere close by.

Internal Information

LUMC Ph.D. track in Converis infographic

The graduate-school has prepared an interesting infographic to answer some of your general questions about Conversis and doing a PhD in LUMC.

You can access this infographic in full size as a pdf file in Converis. Note that you can log in with your LUMC credentials. 
Then press the Help button in the help menu on the upper-left corner of your home page.

LUMC Best Poster Prize 2019

On Tuesday 05 November the annual LUMC Research Conference 2019 will take place. One of the highlights will be the awarding of the LUMC Best Clinical Poster Prize and LUMC Best Non-Clinical Poster Prize to two LUMC Ph.Ds. The amount associated with both prizes is € 250.
For more details and also to know how to nominate yourself (by 15 October at the latest), read here, on albinusnet.


Regeneration Day November 1st

The first Regeneration Day brings together researchers from FWN and LUMC in the field of Regenerative Medicine, to foster collaborations, share expertise and establish new partnerships.
Read about the program, the €5,000 Translational Research Prize and sign up here, on albinusnet.


Research-Based Business Course:
Commercialization & Entrepreneurship for Academics

Are you a Ph.D./ post-Doc interested in the business side of research? This course is designed to give you an idea of patents, licenses, and academic spin-outs. 

Topics covered
Session 1: Research-based Business and Entrepreneurship
Session 2: Patents
Session 3: Science vs Business
Session 4 Technology Strategy

Registration closes on October 28th.
Sessions : 11, 18, 25 Nov. and 2 Dec (13:00-21:30)

For more details go to the course website.

From Database to Data Set Course 

This course for LUMC researchers answers the following questions: What do the data look like after export from Castor? How do I gain insight into the structure of a database? How do I create a dataset that matches the statistical analyses that I want to do? How can I transform the dataset? The emphasis is on creating a data set that is in line with the planned statistical analyses; for this, it is necessary to know the database well. During the practical part, the student starts working in SPSS
This course will take place on 15 October.
Information and registration can be done via the leerportaal

External Information

BioBusiness Summer School

The twelfth edition of the bio business summer school is being organized from June 22-26, 2020 in Amsterdam. 
BioBusiness Summer School is a five-day course for academics who are contemplating a career switch to industry and young professionals in their first industry jobs. (Read more here.)

There is an attractive early-bird fee for all registrations until 15 March 2020. The regular rate will apply after 15 March. For details on the program and the brochure, check out this link.

Healthcare Innovation Committee
(Call for volunteers) 

As announced earlier, in 2020 Young Medical Delta will organize the Healthcare Innovation Challenge!
The Healthcare Innovation Challenge is a weekend-long event in which the fields of technology, design, entrepreneurship, health- and patient care are combined. This event is aimed at the Rotterdam, Leiden and Delft area.
More information can be found on the website of the previous year’s edition of the Dutch Hacking Health hackathon.
You can help make the 2020 Healthcare Innovation Challenge even better! We are looking for committee members from all kinds of backgrounds, so don’t hesitate to apply. To apply, send your resume and a short motivation letter to before Monday, the 13th of October. Of course, you can also send an e-mail if you have any questions or comments.

ReMaT workshop 

The ReMaT workshop is designed for early-stage researchers, particularly Ph.D. candidates from the 2nd year onwards. The idea of European networking is very much embedded in the concept, and we encourage participation from many different countries at the workshop. 
The next ReMaT workshop taking place in Hamburg on 18 & 19 November 2019. Ph.D. candidates and postdocs in natural sciences, medicine and engineering from any research institution or university are invited to apply for one of the 25 places. The participation fee is 595 Euro (VAT included) and includes the information package, lunch, and coffee breaks as well as the networking event on the first evening.
For more information, visit this website

Hackathon: personeelstekort in de zorg 

We hebben er allemaal over gelezen of mee te maken: Patiëntenstops, oplopende wachtlijsten en gesloten operatiekamers door personeelstekort in de zorg. Wil je meewerken aan een duurzame oplossing? Kom dan naar de hackathon!

De Hackathon zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 19 oktober van 9.00-17.00 en wordt afgesloten met een borrel van 17.00-18.30. Inschrijven kan via de website

Praktische informatie
Wanneer: Zaterdag 19 oktober 2019
Locatie: Amsterdam Skills Centre, Amsterdam
Kosten: €12,50
Download de flyer.

Contact LAP

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at You can also follow us on various social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram. To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

Hidde Zittersteijn 
Natacha Ogando
Max van Hout 
Niels Harlaar

Tom Metz
Nanda Boon 
Francesca Tasca
Mitra Ebrahimpoor
Margherita Botto

Nienke Blomberg

Contact the Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your Ph.D. studies in the LUMC, you can always contact the Graduate School Office at or visit this website.

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