LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter November 2019


LAP Newsletter

November 2019

Hi fellow PhD candidates,

The November newsletter is packed with EventsWe have announcements on four upcoming events organized by LAP, several internal/external lectures and symposiums, and spots on upcoming courses. In our suggestion corner, we have tried to set the scene for a fantastic upcoming talk on Artificial Wombs!

As always, we would love to hear your thoughts on the newsletter, just drop an email to

Enjoy reading!

the LAP board.


November 14th 
Science meets Business Cafe at LUMC
in collaboration with Leiden Bioscience Park

The November SmB cafe will take place here at LUMC, do not miss this great opportunity for a "shot of visionary science, entrepreneurship, and innovation", as they put it. 
Remember! this meeting is very popular so please reserve your FREE spot here.
Or, scan the QR code on the right.

Location: LUMC, Building 2, Restaurant

Program (November 14th):
17:00 Walk-in
17:30 Start speakers
-by Willemijn Vader from Vitroscan
-by Giel Hendriks from in vitro toxicity screening
-by Galapagos, specialized in the discovery and development of small molecules
18:30 Networking Drinks
20:00 End

What is SmB? Read about it here.

December 6th
Career Architecture for PhDs

This event includes lunch for some networking and then Olga Pougovkina will give a talk on "Career Architecture for PhDs". She has been helping many PhDs to land their dream job, join this talk and start planning your future. Register here.

Location: Boerhaaveplein (Lunch) + Collegezaal 4 (Lecture) 
Time: 12:00 – 12:30 (Lunch) + 12:30 – 13:30 (Lecture)

Read this article by Olga, to get inspired! (The Secret Ph.D. Productivity Strategy)

December 11th
LAP Christmas borrel

It is only November but we have already started planning for another wonderful Christmas Borrel. the date for another great evening!

LocationLab 071
Time: December 11th, Starting at 17:00.

Later in Fall!
Artificial Womb Technology and Children’s Rights

Capucine Page is going to deliver a talk on the aftermath of developing artificial wombs. We are going to update you with more details soon, but for now...

If you want to know more about Capucine Page, read this article by her.
If you want to know more about the idea of artificial wombs, check out the suggestion corner below.

Suggestion Corner

Suggested Topic

Artificial Wombs |Dream or Nightmare?

A Nature Communications paper released in April 2017 described the successful use of artificial wombs to sustain fetal lambs, but the notion of premature babies growing in fluid-filled bags caused heated online discussion. 
The paper scored 3,840 on Altmetric, making it the fourth most talked about article in the Nature Index in 2017. It ranked tenth in Altmetric’s Top 100 Articles 2017 list.

A team at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia designed an artificial womb system, called the Biobag, to sustain premature babies. The Biobag consists of a plastic bag filled with synthetic amniotic fluid that is taken into the lungs, as it would in a womb. The umbilical cord is plugged into a machine that oxygenates blood circulated by the fetus’s heart. The team tested the system on fetal lambs and brought them to full-term. During the four weeks they spent in the Biobag, the lambs gained weight, grew fur and developed healthy organs.

Here is some reflections:

More than 350 news outlets covered the findings, including New Scientist, ABC News and CNET.

The Atlantic speculated: “A lab has successfully gestated premature lambs in artificial wombs. Are humans next?” The Age took a light-hearted angle: “Science of the lambs: Researchers perfect artificial womb that works as well as we do”.

Emily Matchar of Smithsonian Magazine considered the ethics: “Would testing the device on human babies when early iterations are so likely to fail, be cruel?”

Most recently, in October 2019, The Guardian announced that researchers from Eindhoven University are given €2.9m to develop a working prototype of Biobag for use in clinics. 

As the artificial wombs get closer to reality, the ethical issues surrounding them are yet to be settled.

TIP: If you are interested in this topic, do not miss the lecture by Capucine Page and Read a report on the Artificial Womb symposium here.

Internal Information

LUMC Top Research Seminar

The next Top Research Seminar:
19 November 2019
Lecture Hall 5

“From biology to clinical applications with innovative analyses.” 
“The search for potential pharmacological agents in osteoarthritis”
“What can we learn from supercentenarians?”
“Good Research Data Stewardship: First aid.”
“Analyzing what matters: predictimands”
“What works in Shared Decision Making?
Drinks and snacks after the seminars at 18:30 (Paleijhs 1e)

----Download the poster to see the list of speakers.

LUMC is looking for PhD-ambassadors 

LUMC is looking for PhD-ambassadors 
Last year, the new ‘Working at’ website of the LUMC went live. One of the new elements on this website is to present colleagues, both in words and in image. At the moment, almost 100 colleagues are an ambassador for this site and it already became a wonderful series, but is not complete yet. The ‘Working at’-team would also like to promote the research part of the LUMC and are therefore looking for enthusiastic PhD-candidates who would like to become an ambassador as well and share their enthusiasm for the LUMC. It does not matter in which phase of your PhD-project you are currently. Please go here to get an impression of all the ambassadors.

What does being an ambassador mean?
It means practically that a picture of you will be taken (at a to you iconic place in the LUMC) and that you will be interviewed for a short personal story. This story will be made into a testimonial which will be placed on the homepage of the vacancies website of the LUMC and possibly on social media of the LUMC, together with the picture. Of course, you will also receive the picture for your own use.

Want to participate?
Send an email to the Working at team via and apply! They will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


YFN’s Minisymposium on Grant Writing for Charities

YFN (Young Faculty Network of LUMC) is organizing a mini-symposium “Grant writing for charities”. An introduction keynote lecture will be provided by the director of the Kidney Foundation Tom Oostrom, who has been voted "most influential person in Dutch philanthropy" by opinion magazine De Dikke Blauwe. This will be followed by short pitches by the representative of the scientific boards of the largest Dutch Charities, who will give their personal view including tips & tricks, do’s and don’ts and pitfalls when writing grant proposals for charities. Of course, there is plenty of time for discussion. Drinks afterward are included!

For Whom
All interested researchers from the LUMC and Leiden University.
Tuesday, November 12, 15:30-17:30.
Collegezaal 3 & het Paleijs.
Please follow this link.

Course: Prime time for precision diagnostics driven by unmet clinical needs

• Laboratory Specialist/ Laboratory Specialist Trainees in Clinical Chemistry and Hematology
• Translational Researchers, clinicians, and IVD-manufacturers interested and involved in the biomarker-test pipeline
• Pathologists, Urologists, Nephrologists, Oncologists, Clinical Geneticists

Date & Time: 14 NOVEMBER 2019 | 09.30 - 16.45
LOCATIONLeiden University Medical Center
For more details have a look at the poster or visit this website.

Free Spots on upcoming courses |Leiden University

You can still sign up for the courses below (we've included some (different from last time) quotes from Ph.D. candidates who have already participated in the course). Some courses have multiple start dates. You will find these on the right-hand side of the course webpage under 'Course dates >>  Start date'. You will find a list of all Ph.D. courses via this link (click 'view courses'). Please note that the deadline for registration is two weeks before the start date of the course.

Rare Diseases Symposium

Curious about the opportunities for European research into rare diseases?
You can hear more about this and other topics at the Rare Diseases Symposium at the LUMC.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 6th, 2 -5.30 p.m.

Checkout the Albinusnet link for more details, the lecture will be delivered in English.


Open Science Community Leiden

OSCL is a learning community where Leiden University employees and students learn and talk about open science practices. Example events are Open Science cafés, workshops, and walk-in-hours.

-Anyone who is interested to learn more about Open Science is welcome to join us (you'll get an OSCL member profile and an option to subscribe to the newsletter). 

-To stay informed about our progress without becoming a member, send an email to to be put on the list for the newsletter.

External Information

Culture Fund to Study abroad

The Prince Bernhard Culture Fund awards scholarships from €1,000 to €20,000 annually to excellent students with ambition and talent in science, visual arts, theater, dance, film, and music.
Every year, around 150 students receive a Culture Fund grant.

Who can apply?
• For PhD students, they 1) can conduct part of their (preliminary) research abroad, with a minimum of three months, or 2) can follow their entire PhD research at a foreign university. This can also be a preliminary investigation.
• It is also possible to submit a request later in the process, provided that you have been studying or researching for at least another year.
Foreign students who have been registered in the Netherlands for at least three years can also apply

For the scholarship program 2020, registration runs from 1 February to 1 April 2020
The application must be submitted online before the deadline, the application form will be online at the end of January.

More info?
Everything about the Cultuurfonds scholarships, including a handy video with all the info, can be found here.

Vacancies at PNN

PNN is looking for members to set-up a focus-groups
PNN is a partner of a lot of organizations that are committed to Ph.D. candidates and problems or challenges they are facing. Since they are only a small board without unlimited time to give input on all of these projects, they would like to discuss with you the option of setting up “focus groups”. 
In these focus groups, Ph.D. candidates/junior researchers that are interested in a particular topic can meet up to discuss papers or new strategies, helping out not only PNN but all Ph.D. candidates in the Netherlands. NN is able to more widely supported feedback on these projects and the members of the focus group can speak out in topics they are passionate about. The time investment will be limited and they will specifically ask you for input on rapports or to consider participation in a focus group of NPOS. 
If you are interested in Open science or Science policy and would like to consider participating in a focus group, please let them know and they will further inform you.

Algemeen bestuursleden voor de portefeuilles kwaliteit en open science

Vanaf 13 december 2019 is het PNN op zoek naar versterking in de vorm van een twee nieuwe algemeen bestuursleden voor de portefeuilles kwaliteit en open science.
Zie hieronder voor de volledige vacaturetekst: Vacature algemeen bestuursleden

Meer informatie
Over PNN: zie deze link.
Vragen of mogelijk interesse? Aarzel dan niet ons te benaderen! Vragen over het PNN kun je stellen aan Kimberley Anneveldt ( Je sollicitatiebrief en cv kun je op sturen naar Wij ontvangen je sollicitatie graag uiterlijk dinsdag 26 november. De sollicitatiegesprekken vinden overdag plaats op vrijdag 29 november in Utrecht. De installatie zal plaatsvinden op vrijdag 13 december. 

Contact LAP

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at You can also follow us on various social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram. To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

Hidde Zittersteijn 
Natacha Ogando
Max van Hout 
Niels Harlaar

Tom Metz
Nanda Boon 
Francesca Tasca
Mitra Ebrahimpoor
Margherita Botto

Nienke Blomberg

Contact the Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your Ph.D. studies in the LUMC, you can always contact the Graduate School Office at or visit this website.

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