LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

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Newsletter September 2023

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LAP Newsletter

September 2023

Dear fellow PhD candidates,

With the commencement of the new academic year, we would like to wish all new PhD candidates a warm welcome to the LUMC. We trust that your time at LUMC will be both enriching and fulfilling and we encourage you to explore all activities and events available to you as a PhD candidate. For those of you in the final stages of your thesis, we are pleased to announce that registration for the 2023 Thesis Awards is now open. Also, if you seek to broaden your horizons beyond research, consider applying for the Boston Consulting Group PhD's event or even participating in a theater show. Further details about these opportunities and more can be found in the newsletter below.

Best wishes,
The LAP board



Professional photo shoot - 20.09.2023 
Do you need a new professional photo for LinkedIn or your Curriculum Vitae? The LUMC Vereniging Arts Assistenten has hired a professional photographer to make professional photos for free! Members of LAP can attend the walk-in photo session on Wednesday 20 September between 12.00 - 16.00. The session will take place at the "Art Gallery" (between H0 and J0). 

LAP New Boardmembers
We are looking for new board members for the positions PR and General Board Member. Applications are open for both Dutch and international PhD candidatesWe represent all PhD candidates of the LUMC both locally through contact with the Graduate School and dean, and nationally through PNN. We also organize events and lectures such as the PhD day, pubquizzes, and networking events. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please send your CV and short motivation to before October 15th. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon to get a group discount. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. has now also offered a special discount for the printing of your thesis, depending on the group size.

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of July-August has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read. If you have any ideas to expand your research, want to continue as a postdoc or just want to see what kind of grants are available to you in the future, make sure to check it out!


Young Medical Delta Thesis Awards - 12.10.2023
Did you just finish, or are you in the final phase of your HBO Bachelor, WO bachelor, WO Master, or PhD thesis? Then this is your chance to present your hard work and win a price at the same time! Did you, or are you expecting to, finish your thesis between September 2022 and September 2023 and do you think you deserve to be awarded for all your hard work? Fill in the form before September 30th! Your thesis will be judged on its summary, impact & viability, innovation and human-centred design. If you survive the preliminaries, you will have a chance to pitch your thesis in front of a professional and academic jury (TBA) and win in your category! You can contact Young Medical Delta in case you have any questions.

Boston Consulting Group for PhD's event - 01.11.2023
Come experience the life of a consultant at Boston Consulting Group!
 Are you interested in pursuing your career in strategy consulting, after completing your PhD? Join the BCG for PhD’s event to find out what it’s like to build a bridge between a science based approach and actual strategic business problems. On November 1st, 2023, BCG welcomes you to get to know BCG consultants, hear about the possibilities they offer PhD researchers after their academic career and ask all the questions you have regarding strategy consulting. During the event you will work on a case to get a taste of how you can use your analytical and intellectual skills to solve a strategic business problem and what it’s like to work intensively together with other consultants. Please find application details on their event page. Applications close on October 8th!

Masterclass Catalyze - 04.10.2023 15:00-17:00 @ J-01-28
Are you fascinated by the process of turning an innovative idea into a life-changing product for patients? Do you ever wonder what it takes to bring your brilliant ideas to fruition and create an impact in the market? Are you a PhD/Post-Doc at the LUMC and considering a career transition to innovation consultancy? If any of this resonates with you, you won’t want to miss this masterclass! Discover the exciting world of innovation consultancy at Catalyze and learn how our team plays a pivotal role in driving the success of impactful innovation projects. Join us for this immersive masterclass and unleash your inner innovation consultant. Afterwards, some networking drinks will be provided. There are limited spots available, so please send an email with your name, department and year of PhD if you are interested to attend this masterclass!

Empower your PhD
Thriving as a PhD student in an ever-changing career market requires more than a focus on substantive expertise, excellence and performance. Empower your PhD with career development and personal growth. Join the project and work on your career competences, find out what motivates and drives you and develop your entrepreneurial skills. The project is open for first- and second-year PhD candidates at Leiden University as part of their PhD training program. Click here for more information and to subscribe.

Leiden Bio Science Park Site Visit - 24.10.2023
Get the opportunity to visit one of the hosting companies, get a tour around facilities and network afterwards with all participants. Hosting companies: NecstGen, Batavia Biosciences, Halix, BRistol Myers Squibb. Visit their website for more information and registration. 

Activating Open Science and Recognition & Rewards at Leiden University - 02.11.2023 @ PLNT
We're excited to invite you to the first Academia in Motion Festival! If you would like Leiden University to be a more open workplace that recognizes and rewards all contributions — and an institution that creates and shares knowledge more freely with society — then please join the event. Together we're making this vision a reality.

BioBusiness Summer School - Jumpstart your Career in Life Sciences industry -
24.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
Are you a student (PhD or MSc) or a postdoc in Life Sciences interested in transitioning to industry or starting your own biotech company? Then join the renowned international BioBusiness Summer School and give your career in industry a jumpstart! During this inspiring 5-day program you will get a better grasp of business topics, understand the success factors of Life Sciences companies and learn more about the different roles outside academia, while meeting leading experts and industry leaders and building a strong network of international peers. You can find more information on their website..

NWO Insight Out
2, 9 and 16 November
NWO Insight Out is a career and networking event for women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines. On three consecutive Thursdays in November, guided by various topical themes, a platform will be provided for women to connect with each other. This event provides an opportunity for women to meet others, learn and inspire each other across organizational boundaries and career stages. By offering a variety of live and online plenary presentations, panel discussions, workshops and networking activities, the event strives to provide a perspective for women aspiring a career in STEM. Click here for more information.

Hoe?Zo! Show (Dutch only)
Ben jij een promovendus met interesse in wetenschapscommunicatie? De Hoe?Zo! Show is een project waarbij promovendi een opleiding in wetenschapscommunicatie wordt geboden en tegelijkertijd kinderen uit groep 6 van de basisschool enthousiast worden gemaakt voor wetenschap. Het project bestaat uit een training voor de promovendi, een lespakket voor de kinderen uit groep 6 en een theatershow. In de theatershow stellen de kinderen vragen. De promovendi beelden het antwoord uit met behulp van een stellingkast vol attributen. Bekijk deze video voor een indruk van de show. 
Via het contactformulier op de website kan je contact zoeken voor meer informatie of je aanmelden.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.

Copyright and Open Access for PhD's 24.10.2023
As a PhD candidate you will have to deal with copyright in your role as a scholar, researcher, lecturer and author. What are your options in publishing (in open access)? How will you reach the greatest possible audience with your publications? What are your rights and obligations when graduating and depositing your thesis in the Leiden University Library? These and other matters involving copyright will be dealt with in this lecture. Click here for more information and registration.

Leiden leads: new developments in vaccine research -  02.11.2023 - 13.30-17.00 @ Buruma Zaal (CZ-6)
This symposium will focus on vaccine research for infectious diseases, covering the full spectrum between fundamental and clinical topics. The organization committee consists entirely of PhD students; in addition to a keynote speaker, we will facilitate a stage for PhD students and Postdocs from all around Leiden. 

Introductory meetings
These meetings are organized five times a year, and are compulsory for all new PhD candidates. You preferably attend the meeting within the first 2-3 months after registration. For 2023 we’ve started planning new dates for the introductory meetings:
  • Wednesday 11 October @ Academiegebouw Leiden
  • Wednesday 29 November (online)
  • Wednesday 6 December (online)
 Click here to register.

Leiden University Workshop Scientific Conduct for PhD's 
This workshop is part of the Leiden University mandatory wide program to make PhD candidates familiar with the different concepts related to scientific conduct and integrity. The workshop is taught by the LUMC Graduate School. Click here to register for one of the start dates.
  • 26 January (NL),
  • 2 February
  • 2 March
  • 6 April
  • 4 May
  • 1 June
  • 8 June (NL)
Leiden Bio Science Park
LBSP organizes many relevant events for PhD's and PostDocs, so always keep an eye out on their agenda.

PhD Statistics Courses 2023
Boerhaave Nascholing offers several statistics courses for PhD candidates, and registration for the following courses in 2023 has been opened: Click on the links above to register. Click here for a brief description of the courses.

HRM Learning & Development courses 2023
Click on one of the links below for more information about the course and the different Start dates in 2023.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board
Annelieke Lemij
Elise van Wijk
Thaïs Tong
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic
Gregory Helmich
Esther Fousert
Ivana Kancheva

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