LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter April 2023

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LAP Newsletter

April 2023

Dear fellow PhD candidates,

This newsletter is full of tips and tricks on how to get most out of your time as a PhD student. There are interesting (networking) events, courses to tackle work pressure and stress and you can even join a laser tag game. Pop by the Wistar Institute meet & greet if you are interested in a fellowship abroad and if you are finalizing your PhD, read more about the Job orientation courses. 

Also, you can still register for the PhD day on the 19th of April via this link, Registration is free of charge.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Happy Easter! 

Best wishes,
The LAP board



11.04.2023 - Converis Graduate School module: walk-in sessions PhD students 
12:00-13:00 @ J-00-058
Every second Tuesday of the month, a walk-in session will be held to help PhDs with the Converis Graduate School module. The Graduate School office will provide tips & tricks and answer questions. 

18.04.2023 - Meet & Greet with The Wistar Institute
11:00-12:30 - Lecture hall 4, including coffee & tea
16.30-18.00 - LUMC café, including drinks & bites

Are you interested in the fellowship or other forms of collaboration with this scientific trailblazer with a long history of achievements in vaccine development, immunology and cancer research? Click here for more information in The Wistar Institute and their fellowships. Send an email to register for one of the meet & greet sessions.

19.04.2023 - PhD day 
On the 19th of April we are organizing the PhD Day 2023 "PhDo, PhDid, PhDone"!
Starting with lunch, we will provide a day full of interesting plenary sessions, workshops, announcement of the new Supervisor of the Year and end the day with drinks at Hepatho. You can still sign up via this form. Registration is free of charge.

23.05.2023 Cancer Research Day
Are you passionate about cancer research? This one-day symposium will focus on pre-clinical and clinical cancer research at the LUMC and beyond. At the end of the day there will be an award ceremony for best pitch & best short talk. This will be a great opportunity to socialize with your peers and build valuable connections that can help advance your research and career. The full program can be found here.
Fill in this form to register.

03.07.2023 - 06.07.2023 - TechMed Summer School @ LUMC
Are you ready to emerge yourself in a variety of innovative, clinical applications in healthcare technology?  As a clinical technologist, engineer, medical specialist, (PhD-)researcher or master student you will be updated in the field of Technical and Medical Science through various state-of-the-art masterclasses, interactive group sessions and on campus visits. Click here for more information and registration.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon to get a group discount. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. 

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of March has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read. If you have any ideas to expand your research, want to continue as a postdoc or just want to see what kind of grants are available to you in the future, make sure to check it out!


13.04.2023 Science meets Business Café and Lasergame @ PLNT Leiden
Every second Thursday of the month, Science meets Business (SmB) organizes a free networking event for life sciences enthusiasts from both academia and business. Three speakers that are highly involved with both science and business speak for an enthusiastic audience. This time, there will be a round of Laser tag afterwards on the ground floor of PLNT in Leiden. Read more about the speakers here.
Sign up for free via this link.

PNN Scholarship PhDs survey
Are you an international scholarship PhD candidate (beurspromovendi)? Please fill in this survey from PNN by clicking here.

02.05.2023 PhD workshop: Epistemologies in PhD research @ Zoom
The Decolonising Collective of Leiden University is organizing a workshop aimed at providing a safe space for PhD researchers and early career scholars from various disciplines to exchange experiences, knowledges, solidarity, and skills relevant to decolonial research and knowledge cultivation.  Click here for more information and registration.

04.06.2023-17.06.2023 - Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
The Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, with teachers from Harvard University, Karolinska Institutet, and other European universities, will take place in Italy from 4th June to 17th of June 2023. Registration is now open and the deadline for early registration is the 28th of February2023. For more information and the brochure, see this document.  
Click here to apply.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.

25.05.2023 Copyright and Open Access for PhD's @ University Library Leiden
As a PhD you will have to deal with copyright in your role as a scholar, researcher, lecturer and author. What are your options in publishing (in open access)? How will you reach the greatest possible audience with your publications? What are your rights and obligations when graduating and depositing your thesis in the Leiden University Library? These and other matters involving copyright will be dealt with in this lecture. Click here for more information and registration.

30.05.2023 - 04.07-2023 Get more success with less stress
If you want your PhD trajectory to be a success, mental and physical health is essential. This is a course for PhD candidates who suffer from work pressure and related stress. In this course, you will gain insight and several practical tools that will help you how to take more care about your mental well-being. The course will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 30 May until 4 July 2023 for six 2,5-hour sessions. The course will be given by Agnes van Rossum, psychologist for PhD candidates. For more information, send an email.

Introductory meetings
These meetings are organized five times a year, and are compulsory for all new PhD candidates. You preferably attend the meeting within the first 2-3 months after registration. For 2023 we’ve started planning new dates for the introductory meetings:
  • Wednesday 5 July (Academiegebouw)
  • Wednesday 29 November (online)
 Click here to register.

Leiden Bio Science Park
LBSP organizes many relevant events for PhD's and PostDocs, so always keep an eye out on their agenda.

PhD Statistics Courses 2023
Boerhaave Nascholing offers several statistics courses for PhD candidates, and registration for the following courses in 2023 has been opened: Click on the links above to register. Click here for a brief description of the courses.

HRM L&D courses 2023
Click on one of the links below for more information about the course and the different Start dates in 2023.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board
Annelieke Lemij
Pranav Mehta
Elise van Wijk
Carlijn Hoekx
Thaïs Tong
Dejvid Veizaj
Lente Lerink
Elissa Polomski
Vesna Miladinovic
Gregory Helmich


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