LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter December 2019


LAP Newsletter

November 2019

Hi fellow PhD candidates,

The December newsletter is super short, but much fun!
We are looking for a new board member for LAP, read the details below and get in touch if you are interested. For the rest, we have included announcements on three upcoming events, LUF grant details, new cell culture group at LUMC, and an opportunity to present your ideas to the leaders of Life science and health. As always we have some suggestions which are a bit holiday-themed.

We would love to hear your comments, please email them to us at

happy holiday in advance and enjoy reading!

the LAP board.


December 11th
Artificial Womb Technology and Children’s Rights

Capucine Page will talk about the future of artificial
wombs from a children's rights perspective.

Time: December 11th, 4-5 pm                                            
Location: Collegezaal 1, LUMC building 1

Register here.

December 11th
LAP Christmas borrel 

Our glamorous Christmas Borrel is next week!     
LocationLab 071
Time: December 11th, Starting at 17:00.   
Not registered yet?              
Register here now...

January 14th 2020
Thesis printing workshop 

Would you like to know everything on getting your booklet printed? Our latest workshops on preparing your thesis booklet were very popular, so we are organizing yet another one soon. The focus is on layout, printing and production of your thesis booklet.

Location: Room J-01-116
Time: January 14th, 12:30-13:30.

Registration: send an email to one of the following addresses:
Jelle <>
Anna <>


LAP is looking for a new board member

Board Member - Social Media Representative

We are looking for a new board member to join us. As the new social media representative, you will mainly be responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring the LAP Social Media in order to improve visibility of LAP among LUMC students.
If you are interested in this exciting opening or have any questions please send us an email at


Suggestion Corner

Suggested Podcast

Learn to code to boost your research career|Working Scientist 

Learning how to code brings career benefits and helps science by aiding reproducibility, Julie Gould discovers. In this podcast, Jess Hedge, Jeff Perkel, and Brian MacNamee join Julie Gould to discuss coding and computational reproducibility.

Suggested Tutorial

25 days of  Christmas with R |A Conservation biologists' Blog

As a Christmas gift, she gave her partner a tutorial to learn R basics in an easy-to-use, fun way. It is shared online, so if you are convinced by the podcast to learn to code, start with this fun 25-day course.


Suggested Read

Stop Overplanning| 

 It is almost time to go over your next year's resolutions. Here is a tip: do not over-do it, read the article below to know why.

There is hardly a better time than a month into a new year to behold the disconnect between our plans and our reality as even our most vigorously intended New Year’s resolutions crumble, despite all that we know about the psychology of self-control and the science of forming new habits. Indeed, of all the disappointments in life, there is hardly a kind more hazardous to happiness and more toxic to the soul than ... keep reading. (7 min Read)

Internal Information

Applications for the LUF 2020 project grants

The Leiden University Fund (LUF) invites researchers of all faculties to submit applica-tions for the 2020 LUF project grants. Submissions will be received from 16 December 2019, the deadline is 3 February 2020.
Projects that are related to the strategic plan will have a higher chance.

Read about the details in this letter and check out the LUF-website for more information.

3D cell culture interest group for LUMC scientists

If you are a researcher working in the 3D cell culture field, you can join a 3D cell culture interest group within the LUMC to discuss techniques and share experiences. The group welcomes anyone currently working on or with a large interest in 3D cell culture techniques to join and have the opportunity to discuss their work or ideas with a group of experienced scientists.
The meetings are every second Wednesday of the month 
16:00-17:00 located at 01-P-01-020.                
Read more on albinusnet.

External Information

Call for poster presentations and pitches

Are you a PhD candidate or postdoc working on Life Sciences or Healthcare related topics?
- Gain insight into the Life Science industry and present your research during Innovation for Health 2020
- Showcase your research, broaden your knowledge of the Life Sciences sector and learn about ground-breaking innovations.

13 February 2020
De Doelen ICC | Rotterdam
For more information download the poster or visit here.

Contact LAP

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at You can also follow us on various social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram. To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

Hidde Zittersteijn 
Natacha Ogando
Max van Hout 
Niels Harlaar

Tom Metz
Nanda Boon 
Francesca Tasca
Mitra Ebrahimpoor
Margherita Botto

Nienke Blomberg

Contact the Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can always contact the Graduate School Office at
Graduate School LinkedIn
Graduate School LinkedIn
Graduate School Website
Graduate School Website

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