LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

Past newsletters

Newsletter July 2020

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LAP Newsletter

July 2020

Dear fellow PhD candidates,

We hope you are all doing well. We are ourselves are slowly starting again with our experiments and we are seeing more of you guys around, which is good to see.

Last month we had the LAP Intelligent Lockdown Pubquiz which was a lot of fun, congratulations to team Vriendega's for coming first place!

This month we have an interesting newsletter for you; a COVID-19 guideline for universities set up by the VSNU and PNN, vacancies for PhD candidates interested in policy making, virtual support groups and a workshop on mental health during your PhD.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Best wishes,
The LAP board
In total 13 teams competed in the LAP Intelligent Lockdown Pubquiz! The teams were very creative in choosing their names as you can see.



The webinar "Research during COVID-crisis" was attended by many of you. For those who could not make it there is a complete summary. 
PhDs in small groups and online, also after 1 September
To ensure that as many activities – PhD defences, inaugural lectures, graduation ceremonies and so on – can go ahead as possible, the best possible match will be found for activity and available space in the Academy Building. This means that even after 1 September PhD defences will continue to be held in the Small Auditorium, with a maximum of 20 persons and an online video stream.
Link to Leiden University website 

COVID-19 document: guideline for universities
This document gives "guidelines" on how universities should deal with PhDs, postdocs and tenure trackers who experience delays as a consequence of the coronacrisis, and which factors should be taken into account. It has been put together by the The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN).
Click to read the document in Dutch 
Click to read the document in English

PhD introductory meeting
Normally we would get together at the Academy Building in Leiden for the introduction programme, but we are not able to host big events in the upcoming months. Still we think it's very important to give you a warm welcome at Leiden University. We are happy to announce the first online introductory meeting on the 6th of July (9:30-12:30).

During this meeting you will get more information about what it means to do a PhD at Leiden University. What can you expect from us? And what do we expect from you? Furthermore we like to give you the opportunity to meet one another and to ask your questions. For more information and registration, please click here. 

Status of ongoing or upcoming courses
HRM Learning & Development courses are offered online until December 31, 2020. This is done with the well-known professional trainers and in an interactive manner. Please register in the usual way. Click here for the complete overview of upcoming courses. 

Are you a PhD/ Post-Doc interested in the business side of research? Are you interested in starting a company and need to know how to write a business plan/raise financing? Please see the following workshops on offer by Luris.

If you have any questions, please contact 



Virtual Student Support Groups
POPcorner The Hague, in collaboration with Leiden University, has created virtual Student Support Groups. The main idea behind these groups is to generate a space where group members can talk freely about how they are doing, their current situations and anything else that might be on their minds. 
A group consists of a member of support staff, a student mentor, and five students. Students and PhD candidates from all faculties are welcome to join. For more information and to join one of the groups, please email

Vacancy for PhD candidates: policy making (Dutch)
SGW (Sociale en Geesteswetenschappen) is op zoek naar meerdere promovendi (m/v) voor de tijdelijke functie van beleidsmedewerker A in de periode eind augustus 2020 tot eind februari 2021 (6 maanden). Zij kunnen zes maanden ervaring opdoen als beleidsmedewerker binnen de afdeling Vrij Onderzoek, waar onder andere het Talentprogramma, de Rubicon, Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen en de Open Competitie SGW worden uitgevoerd. De promovendi maken op een effectieve manier kennis met de tweede geldstroom, kunnen ze zich eventueel oriënteren op werkzaamheden buiten de wetenschap en tijdens deze onderbreking van het promotietraject nieuwe inspiratie of energie opdoen om de dissertatie af te ronden. 
Meer informatie

Ridderprint is offering 1-on-1 skype sessions to help with designing and printing your thesis, and discussing the different options.
Sign up via this link to plan a video meeting.


Workshop: Mental health during the Ph.D. (and after)
"The latest survey by the journal Nature in 2019 revealed that no less than 36% of PhD Candidates had sought help for anxiety or depression related to their PhD. That response echoes other investigations into the mental-health status of students. "

The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics PhD Council is proud to present an online workshop Mental Health during your PhD by LUCL PhD Coach (and Grant Advisor) Katja Lubina. This workshop is open to ALL Leiden University PhD students, so save your spot by registering now!

Tuesday 14th of july 2020
11:00 - 12:30
Microsoft Teams (max 250 participants)

Click here for more information and to register



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram

To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

LAP Board

Hidde Zittersteijn
Edouard Bonneville
Max van Hout
Niels Harlaar
Tom Metz
Nanda Boon
Francesca Tasca
Aline van Rijn
Margherita Botto
Nienke Blomberg
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